Why Meta Tags description Not Showing In Custom Templates?

In the previous post, we checked what is meta tag and how it add to blogger
here we discussing Why Meta Tags description Not Showing In Custom Templates.Every blogger may face this question.In my experience after I updated my templates with custom templates my search description doesn't show in google search results, after that, it shows any keywords found on the blog post page.But meta description is there too because when I search meta description by using any online tools it showing

The problem behind this is custom templates. custom templates are coded by third party designers and therefore we would manually need to insert the necessary code to make this feature of latest search preferences work in your customized blogs.we can do it easily by making some changes in our template code. we need to delete any existing Meta Tag for description inside your templates and would replace it with a dynamic code that will act as a meta tag both for the homepage and as well as for individual posts and pages

How to enable meta tag for blogger

1 - Sign into blogger dashboard
2 - Go to Settings >> search preferences >> Meta tags
3 - Enable the search description and type a brief description about your blog and Save changes

How to enable meta tag for blogger

How to add meta description to individual blog post

1 - Sign into blogger dashboard
2 - Create a new post
3 - Go to search description on the post settings tab on right side
4 - Write a short description about your blog post and save

How to add meta description to individual blog post

If meta description not showing in google search results, its because of your custom blog templates.you need to edit it like this

1 - Go to blogger dashboard
2 - Go To Design > Edit HTML
3 - Backup your template
4 - Find the code <head> and add the following code below this
5 - And save changes

Why Meta Tags description Not Showing In Custom Templates? Why Meta Tags description Not Showing In Custom Templates? Reviewed by trickzzworld on 00:32 Rating: 5

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